Thursday, September 3, 2009

So You Had To Ask!?

Dear Angela and Lauren,

I have been with this guy for 6 years. He loves me I know and I love him with all of my heart. The problem is, he has a dead end job that barely brings him in $400 a month and I make just over $2200 a month. I end up paying for everything and I am frustrated. He never wants to get married but every time I am ready to leave him, he says he can't believe that I am giving up on us that easily. What do I do and where do I go from here.

~confused but in love

Dear Confused But In Love,

Hmm, that IS a toughie. I understand your frustration because that really isn’t fair at all, but don’t give up on him just yet. My advice to you is to simply stay strong and have hope. You should sit him down one day, some place quiet with just the two of you, and talk about this problem. Explain to him how you feel about the situation and suggest an alternative. Perhaps him getting a new job that pays better. Don’t fight; just calmly work together to find a solution that works for both of you. If you come to the solution where you feel you must leave him, then so be it. Explain why you are and let him know that you’re not giving up on your relationship or him, you just need time. If he argues, tell him that it’s either that, or marriage and try to talk out his commitment issue.
Again, stay strong; if your love is as true as you say, you will both make it through this.

Good Luck!
Love always,

Dear Confused but in love,

My advice for you is to leave him. He is definitely holding you back. There are many rich men out there that would be much better for you. You shouldn’t have to pay for anything. He should be doing everything for you.


Dear Angela.

I was hoping you can help me with some advice. I am visiting my sister and brother and dad.

I really would like to get along with them and want to show them I have changed. But my sister and brother refuse to see that and my brother does not even visit with me.
What can I do to remedy this?

Dear, No Name

The first sign that things will get better is that you are willing to make them that way. It is obvious that you love your family and don’t fret; they love you too! Perhaps it is time for a family intervention? Get everyone together, including your father, and explain to them how you have changed at that you want to make your relationship stronger. In other words, show them the “new you”. They aren’t going to believe anything without proof, unfortunately. It is going to take time and effort to convince them. But remember, no matter what, they are your family and they love you; they always will! And they believe in you, so you have nothing to stress about.
Besides, remember that old Disney quote?
‘Seeing isn’t believing, believing is seeing’

Good luck Hun,
Love Always,


Dear No Name,

I think you should ignore them just like they ignore you. If they don’t believe you’ve changed then they obviously aren’t worth your time. They’re family so they should believe and trust you.


I have heard revenge be called 'a dish served cold' and 'revenge is sweet' do you think revenge is ice cream? if so, what flavor??

From, Quil ;)

Dear Quil,

*laughs* You make a very interesting point! Though, I do not think that is what they mean. There are different points, either revenge has no good outcome, or revenge is great and successful!
However, if revenge WAS an ice cream, I think it would be…vanilla soft serve with..cookie dough!
Or better batter! Mmm 

Love always,



Uhm…this is an ADVICE (a-d-v-i-c-e) column genius. Where is advice needed in this question again?



  1. Why am I not surprised the last question came from a Mutt?

  2. -_- i don't see you asking any questions Rosalie. i did them a favor. that question is important to the world.
