Thursday, August 13, 2009

Charlotte's Web of the Stars

Aries: Mar 21 - Apr 19

Like Renata, you are very competitive, dynamic, courageous and determined.
When you put your mind to it, you can definitely do it. You are very much enthusiastic and active. Sometimes you have the tendency to act first and think later, and by then it may be too late. Your ideal partner is someone who will let you win a fight and who is grounded and down to earth.

Taurus: Apr 20 - May 20

Like Kate, you are very dependable, full of patience, and very creative.
You love everything that is fine and beautiful. You are born to be a leader. You are a hopeless romantic. You hate being alone and sometimes your insecurities can get the better of you. Your ideal partner indulges you in your fantasies; you have a spice to your relationship.

Gemini: May 21 - Jun 20

Like Carmen, you are versatile, quick-witted, and expressive of your emotions. You are usually known to have two distinctive personalities but you’re all for the fun of life. There’s never a boring moment with you. You can go from being fun, outgoing, and flirtatious to being serious, restless, and indecisive in a matter of minutes. You love music and spending time chatting with others. Your ideal partner challenges you to face your own creativity.

Cancer: Jun 21 - Jul 22

Like Peter, you are also very compassionate, sensitive, and very protective over loved ones. You like nothing more than to be around your family and loved ones and you are always around to lend a hand. You love to spoil people and are very generous. Your ideal partner is someone who will always be there for you to come home to and who likes being protected by you.

LEO: Jul 23 - Aug 22

Like Charlotte, you are very fiery and self assured and your charm and whit is hard to resist. You are very passionate and have a wicked sense of humour but can sometimes drive people wild with your stubborn streak. At times you can appear vain, loving to be centre of attention and being admired and fear being ignored. Your ideal partner worships you and is never far from you, doing anything they can to make you happy.

Virgo: Aug 23 - Sep 22

Like Angela and Mike, you are a very practical person, you love to care for others and pay great attention to detail. You take time to think things through and analyse situations instead of jumping straight in. You can sometime tend to worry too much and be over critical of yourself. You would rather not be in the main spotlight but you like the power of being someone’s sidekick. Your ideal partner is content with who you are they are happy to sit back and let you organize.

Libra - Sep 23 - Oct 22

Like Bella, you are very practical; you like to keep everything and everyone in your life in balance. You always tend to avoid confrontations. You are the one in the family who is always trying to keep the peace. At times you can come across as bossy. You have a very dry sense of humour which can sometimes be perceived wrong by others. You desire to be in a relationship and to be loved. Your ideal partner is attractive and full of ideas.

Sagittarius: Nov 22 - Dec 21

Like Carlisle, you are always the optimist. A keen traveller, broad minded and keen to experience all that life offers. You love change, it is impossible to keep you down. You are a very generous and loving person with a wicked, dark sense of humour. You draw on your life experience to empower others. Your ideal partner is someone who embraces your way of life and someone who is willing to share your experiences alongside you.

Capricorn: Dec 22 - Jan 19

Like Jasper, You are very independent, responsible, and have a dark sense of humour. You are very protective of your family and you love them all dearly. You are known for your good manners and excellent self control. You are very musically minded. Your ideal partner encourages you to explore and open up to your feelings, someone fiery who will challenge you

Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Like Makenna, you have two sides to you, you can come across as quiet and shy one day, then eccentric, crazy, and energetic the next. You love to help others. Extremely independent, you have the ability to see both sides of an argument which makes you an excellent problem solver. It is important to you that you can take time out from everything to retune yourself. Your ideal partner is someone who listens to you, someone that won’t crowd you but is there when you need them most.

Pisces: Feb 19 - Mar 20

Like Alice, you are very understanding and affectionate. You are very easy going and are always the first to accept newcomers into a group. Very comforting to be around, you tend to draw people toward you easily. Sometimes you can be too trusting, putting you at risk of being hurt. You love to be romantic and spend time along with your loved ones. Your ideal partner is someone who is drawn to your sensitivity and loving devotion.

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